Assistant Professor

Michael Coons

Department of Family and Community Medicine


Research Interests
Clinical, health and rehabilitation psychology, Sleep problems, Weight management and lifestyle, Chronic pain, Mental health

Professor Michael Coons is a clinical, health and rehabilitation psychologist. His expertise includes the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of several health-related issues, including: sleep and related problems (e.g., problems falling asleep, staying asleep, waking too early and sleeping too much); weight management and lifestyle; chronic pain; and mental health issues (e.g., depression, anxiety) that commonly occur with health-related problems.

Professor Coons has held over $5 million in federal research grants, and has published over 40 peer-review journal articles and book chapters related to his areas of clinical expertise. He is also a member of the Health Education and Lifestyle Management committee (formerly the National Nutrition Committee) of the Canadian Diabetes Association, and he is a co-author of the Mental Health Chapter of the 2018 Clinical Practice Guidelines of Diabetes Canada.

See publications on PubMed

In Profile: Michael Coons


Staff Psychologist, Medical Bariatric Program and Diabetes Clinic, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton