Websites on Nutrition and Health

Teacher and kids learning, by Rawpixelimages, courtesy of Dreamstime

COVID-19 Updates and Resources


  • Canada's Food Guide
    User-friendly guide from Health Canada on how to eat and enjoy a variety of healthy, whole foods.
  • Applying Canada's Dietary Guidelines 
    A resource for health professionals and policy makers that provides guidance on how to support patients adopt Canada's Dietary Guidelines.
  • Canada's Food Guide Kids - Toolkit for Educators
    A toolkit for educators, health promoters and community leaders to help children 4 - 11 years old learn food skills, develop healthy eating patterns and understand Canada's food guide.
  • Nutrition Labelling Online Course
    Free course for health professionals and educators. 
  • Dietitians of Canada
    How to find a dietitian, assess nutritional intake, and plan and prepare meals.
  • Canadian Nutrition Society
    A national organization that connects nutrition and health professionals, researchers, policy makers and industry.
  • Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada 
    Funds cardiac research, empowers the public through education and advocates for changes to make Canadians healthier.
  • Nutri-eSTEP
    Nutrition screening tool for toddlers and pre-schoolers.
  • Childhood Healthy Living Foundation
    Leading a societal shift toward healthy eating and active lifestyles.
  • Food is Our Medicine
    Webinar series for healthcare professionals, exploring the relationship  between Indigenous foodways, reconciliation, healing and healthcare. 
  • Our Kids' Health
    Evidence-based health and nutrition information for families, in many languages.
  • Raising Our Healthy Kids
    Series of short videos providing information to families on healthy growth and development, including nutrition, for children up to 12 years of age. 
  • Dietary Patterns Calculator
    Online screening tool developed by researchers, clinicians, data scientists and developers from across Canada to help health-care providers and patients integrate food and nutrition into practice. 

Provincial (Ontario)



  • Diabetes Canada
    Helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while working to find a cure.
  • Meant2Prevent
    A resource hub on diabetes prevention and healthy lifestyles, for families and health professionals. Created by Canadian children's hospitals.
  • Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation
    Promotes education and clinical innovation for prevention and self-management of childhood diabetes. Offers resources and programs for school-age kids, especially in the Simcoe region of Ontario.

SickKids' Family Resources

  • AboutKidsHealth
    An education resource for children and families, by trusted health-care experts at The Hospital for Sick Children. 
  • Centre for Global Child Health
    A hub for SickKids' global child-health activities, including research, capacity building, policy development and advocacy.
  • Centre for Healthy Active Kids
    SickKids' centre that addresses childhood obesity and promotes healthy nutrition and physical activity for all kids.

Physical Activity