Knowledge for Health Professionals, Learners and Researchers
Poor diet plays a role in one in five deaths globally. That finding comes from the 2017 Global Burden of Disease Study, the largest effort ever to measure life expectancy, and causes and risk factors for death and disease. Nutrition education is essential for solving this global health crisis.
At the same time, opportunities to limit disease and improve health through nutrition are better than ever, and a growing number of practitioners are turning to food as a front-line medicine.
Professors and staff in the Lawson Centre for Child Nutrition are updating nutrition and lifestyle content in the MD Program at the University of Toronto, creating professional development material for established practitioners, and training graduate students in basic, translational and implementation sciences.
Virtual learning sessions that provide physicians and health-care practitioners with an up-to-date overview of child nutrition.
Annual full day symposium for health-care professionals to address the knowledge-gap in the role nutrition in patient care.
Immersive one-day workshop for physicians to learn effective strategies to facilitate therapeutic dietary patterns into their patients lifestyle.
Bringing nutrition education into the medical school curriculum to improve patient care.
Annual research lectures on the microbiome, for scientists and research trainees.
Learn about undergraduate research programs offered through U of T and the Lawson Centre throughout the year.
Nutritional medical education innovations led by Christopher Tomlinson.
Five fellowships to tackle nutrition education and child health in Canada and globally, focusing on practitioner knowledge, health systems and public health.