Researchers at the Joannah & Brian Lawson Centre for Child Nutrition work within the ethics and integrity guidelines put forward by the University of Toronto’s Research and Innovation Office and Governing Council. The Lawson Centre is located in one of the largest academic hubs of medical research in the world, which helps ensure that the research of our affiliated scientists adheres to the rigorous process of academic peer-review.
Partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders are essential to achieve meaningful impact in child health and development. As such, we work closely with government agencies, academic and health care institutions, health-focused NGOs and food industry partners.
Collaborations with our food industry colleagues are regulated by strict public-private partnership guidelines — such as those put forward by the American Society for Nutrition — as well as the Tri-Agency (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research) Framework for Responsible Conduct Of Research and Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Ethics Framework for Partnerships with the Private Sector.
Overall, research at the Lawson Centre is informed by the need for new evidence in solving nutritional challenges and promoting the health of children and their families. New findings by our researchers are shared through academic journals, new policies or other means, and are produced in a responsible and ethical manner.