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John Sievenpiper
Professor Sievenpiper identifies and investigates diet and disease questions in relation to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, with the view to inform clinical practice guidelines, public health policy and the design of future randomized controlled trials. Clinical practice guidelines and public health policy are moving away from traditional nutrient-centric dietary approaches to more food and dietary pattern-based approaches, a process Prof. Sievenpiper helped initiate and steer in the Canadian Diabetes Association 2013 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition Therapy. Through randomized controlled trials, knowledge syntheses (systematic reviews and meta-analyses), and knowledge translation activities, Prof. Sievenpiper’s research program attempts to drive this modernization investigating the role of dietary sugars, legumes/pulses, tree nuts, and comprehensive dietary patterns in cardiometabolic risk.
View Prof. Sievenpiper's profile on the Department of Nutritional Sciences website
Lifestyle Medicine Lead, MD Program, University of Toronto
Staff Physician, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, St. Michael's Hospital
Scientist, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael's Hospital